
Showing posts from March, 2020

Types of Computer

Generally, when we talk about computers, we mean a digital computer but in fact, the computer can be classified into three categories and they are: (1) Analog Computer   (2) Digital Computer  (3) Hybrid Computer (1) Analog Computer:          Analog computer measures and answers the questions by following the method of “HOW MUCH”. The input data is not a number, digit or character but infact a “PHYSICAL QUANTITY” like  mass,  acceleration,  temperature, speed ,  pressure etc. and which is always in  continuous form. Applications: These are especially designed for Industrial applications like Petroleum Refineries, Chemical Plants, Electronic Power Plants. Examples: Analog thermometer, Pressure gauge , speedometer, Electricity meter, Weighing machine, etc. (2) Digital Computer:      Digital computer counts and answers the questions by following the method of  “HOW M...